New Builds
SALIX has built its reputation on delivering distinguished construction projects of all sizes. First and foremost, we bring true the promise of an architect's vision and the desire for a home built with complete attention to craftsmanship.
Quality is also reflected in the flawless realization of a vision through the strength of a building's structure, the execution of its systems, the lasting beauty of its details and in its overall value to the client.
A distinguished home is a home like no other. At the heart of the home, there is the perfect unity of elegance and distinction, comfort and craftsmanship. It is the exceptional execution of a vision and the creation of both a home and a retreat for individual style and interests.
We understand value. For you it might be the investment in a well-built house for generations to come, while for others, value might simply be the pleasure and comfort found in a home that fulfils their dreams. At SALIX, we see value as the result of the highest level of service and quality for a fair price that meet CLIENTS needs and expectations.
3 The Business Centre
618 Kilshane Ave
Dublin 15, Ireland
+353 (87) 674 2680